Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Come "hum"'s FNSI time!

Cracklin fires...snow packed skylights...cinnamon whiffs...a cup of hot tea...comfy jammies and the soft hum of my new sewing machine! Could you imagine anything making an evening even more wonderful?
Well...if you join me, that would be the best! So, here's your invitation! Put it in your planner (January 21)'s time, girls, for another FNSI! I can hardly wait to hear the quiet hum of my machine stitching along on all the projects I long to complete.
You see, I started keeping a journal of all the projects I want to try while I browse through old magazines, purchase fabrics, and even sort through my stash in hopes of organizing!  This journal is getting full of "dreams" and I need this once per month quiet evening just to accomplish something beautiful to the hum of my sewing machine.

So, for our special January Friday night sew-in, I've browsed and think I have what I want to work on that evening. I think I have enough free moments to plan out a design I've seen in a magazine, get the pieces cut and stacked, ready to make some of these popular MUG RUGS with my humming sewing machine. Have you seen these little rugs? Have you tried putting some together? Here's some sites that have energized me:

I absolutely love the MUG RUG project idea on Heidi's blog:
and on Lana's site:

Aren't these things cute for little gifts? What a great project for a cold January evening. So, I've planned my humming tune for my FNSI! Notes of happiness just fill my heart at the thought of hearing the hum of my new sewing machine.
So, this is what I hope to do: as I direct the fabrics at a 1/4 seam, I want to think and pray for the special ladies in my life. There are several who encourage my walk with God, wish me a wonderful week, and genuinely care for my well-being. I want these ladies to know how much I thank God for putting them in my life. With a little care, color, and creativity, I hope my Friday Night Sew-In finds great delight in making these little rugs for my dear friends.

So...what are you planning to do? Please consider joining the group for a warm evening of quilting, sewing, or any needle work you've wanted to work on! I'd love to know what you accomplish!

Please click on the link (FNSI) in my right column and sign up....and may you have a blessed and happy day humming a beautiful song in your heart!


  1. Some day I can do this...but not until that little guy gets older.

    Have a fun time!!

  2. Oh, I am excited to see how yours turned out! YAY! You are just humming right along! I am VERY PROUD OF YOU!
