I have to admit that using my new Janome has brought the joy of creating back to my sewing room. It is so easy to use, and absolutely exhilarating to try the new stitches at the push of a button. I miss my old friend, the New Home machine in the garage, but there's no comparison in the clunking noise of the old broken down machine and the quiet hum in my room now! Sewing in the new year is going to be such fun!
I just completed this beautiful table runner for someone very special to me. I cannot wait to see her eyes light up as she sees her favorite hues of blue dance past the tissue paper of her Christmas gift box!
Her favorite color is blue and it will enhance the other accent touches in both her living room and dining area. I am sure she'll add a crystal vase to the center, full of roses which are usually a gift from her loving husband.

The muted yellow and celery green enhance the beauty of this piece of fabric, and my favorite shade of red softly shadows the branches of green. For each end, I added some antique ivory lace with velvet ribbon, a piece of tweed fabric, which matches her LR furniture, and a soft blue velvet ribbon ensconced by blue crochet.

I cannot wait to see this grace her large formal dining table of dark cherry wood! She'll open our gifts on Christmas Eve, so maybe her dinner on Christmas Day will have a touch of newness on her table. We'll see.
I am also making 16 place mats to match the runner. Why so many? Because that is how many sit around her table at her family gatherings! And that is only counting the adults! Her six beautiful grand children prefer to squat around her coffee table for their conversational meal and quick release from the table. What a happy bunch they all make at our special family times!
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