Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy New Year!

I glanced over my calendar year, and blogged about it - but oh my...a post can get lost in the shuffle, especially if you use the same calendar for both your hobbies!
Rather than writing another "glance at the calendar", may I ask that you please consider clicking onto my other blog?
Oh! Yes! And please don't get stuck on reading the first post you come to, and forget to move on, so you can read how I summed up my 2010.
"A year at a glance" is just beyond "the give away" at my other site:

Who knows, you might even be tempted to click on the give away - participate - and win!

I would love to hear how your 2010 was summed up, but until then...finish strong and oh!
Have fun celebrating the beginning of a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Love, Debi

1 comment:

  1. Well, I had no idea that you had another blog. Now I am quite jealous because you are one of those people that can draw. I can't. Period. sigh.

    I will follow the other now too!!
